The world is richer than ever before yet the gap between the wealthiest and the poorest people in the world has skyrocketed. Billionaires now have more wealth than 60% of the planet’s population – or 4.6 billion people - and the richest 1% of the world’s population now has twice as much money as 6.9 billion people put together.
This failure to share global wealth and resources fairly has been deadly for children and young people. Today, one child in five lives in extreme poverty, one in six does not go to school and one in ten is forced to work while others are protected by welfare, have access to free, quality education and are free to enjoy their childhoods.
At 100 Million we understand that that the continuation of this staggering inequality is a political choice by governments, and that ending it is not an act of charity but one of justice and responsibility. To truly leave no child behind – as has been promised for decades – a deep and lasting political shift must take place.
To demand action from decision-makers we support the leadership of representative youth and student organisations to collectively organise and advocate for global justice, co-create mobilisations and events across the world and respond to crises that threaten child-rights,such as a our call for Justice for Every Child during the COVID-19 pandemic and planned mobilisation for February 2023 demanding Justice for Africa: Don't Cut Our Future! Find out more by exploring our campaign focus areas below.
Pictures above: Youth and student activists hold demonstrations asking their decision-makers when every child will have justice in Belgium (top) and N'Djamena refugee settlement in Chad (bottom).